Trinity Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod)
- Sunday Schedule (through Memorial Day weekend):
8:45 am Sunday School
8:45 am Adult Bible Class
10:00 am Divine Service
No Sunday School and Adult Bible Studies during Summer - Pastor: Rev. Daniel Redhage
Pastor of Outreach: Rev. Michael Wagnitz
Trinity Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, was organized in January 1871, but its beginnings go back to 1865 when a group of Lutheran Christians from Addison, Ill., came to Lowden to establish new homes. The church was built in 1871, dedicated in December 1871. The last service in this church was held Aug. 10, 1958, and within a week the old building was completely razed. The cornerstone for the new church was laid Oct. 26, 1958. Dedication was held Nov. 1, 1959.
Adult Bible Class, Sunday School and Youth Bible Class (ages 3 to high school) are held on Sunday mornings. Christian Education class is held Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Vacation Bible School is held for one week during the summer, following the end of the school year.
Special music for church services is provided by the Men's Chorus, Mixed Choir or Sunday School children. The Men's Chorus and Mixed Choir practice Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.
- Lutheran Youth Fellowship - Meets twice a month on Sundays
- Trinity Ladies Aid - Meets the second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m.
Message from Trinity:
Trinity extends a cordial welcome to all newcomers to visit and join our worship services, as we pray that the message from God's Word will be a blessing for both now and in the life to come.
801 Washington Avenue
Lowden, IA 52255
563-941-5853 (Church Office & Study)
563-941-7464 (Parsonage)
Lowden, IA 52255
563-941-5853 (Church Office & Study)
563-941-7464 (Parsonage)