Zion United Church of Christ
402 Main Street
Lowden, IA 52255
563-941-7726 (Church Office)
563-941-5476 (Pastor's Residence)
Sunday Schedule:
9:00 a.m. - Christian Education
10:15 a.m. - Worship Service (summer 9:00 a.m.)
Pastor: Rev. Stephen Stepp
- Zion United Church of Christ has been in Lowden for more than 100 years. Prior to the 1957 merger of the Congregational and Evangelical and Reformed Churches, Zion's roots go back to the Evangelical and Reformed Church. Zion's ministry is to all people, regardless of age or race, and is vital to the life of the church not only through worship but other church activities.
Christian Education classes are offered on Sunday morning before worship with classes for children preschool through eighth grade at 9 a.m.
Z.Y.C. (Zion Youth Club)
Meets on one Wednesday a month during the school year for youth in third through eighth grades.
Senior High Fellowship
Meets the last Sunday of the month at 11:30 a.m. for high school students.
Evening Circle
Women's organization meets the third Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m.
Zion's governing body is made up of an six-member council and the church treasurer.
With Jesus Christ as the sole head of the church members of Zion United Church of Christ, we strive to live out the teaching of Jesus Christ as revealed through scriptures.
Like many churches, Zion celebrates its history and is anticipating an exciting future for its members and friends of the church.
"Togetherness" is embraced as we gather for times of fellowship, worship and community friendship.
I invite you to share with us as we grow, celebrate and honor the living, loving God of us all.