
Lowden Historical Society

The Lowden Historical Society was organized in 1973. The acquisition of the old Lowden Depot and its subsequent restoration was one of its first projects, especially since the railroad played such a significant role in the development of the community. Older buildings such as the depot were no longer practical and were found to be available after a considerable amount of negotiating and correspondence with railroad officials. Financing of the project and finding a new site were also items to be considered.

In January 1976, notification was received that a grant for $1,200 from the Iowa American Revolution Bicentennial Commission was available, to be used for the renovation of the Lowden Depot as a historical center. Other monetary contributions supplemented the above amount, enabling the project to become reality.


For a fee of $1.00, the depot became the property of the Lowden Historical Society on Oct. 1, 1976. With much volunteer help the building was dismantled at its site at the end of McKinley Avenue and stored at various farms. The 20-foot by 46-foot cement slab was poured at the new location in the City Park in late 1976. In the spring of 1977, reconstruction of this community landmark began and was completed shortly thereafter. It now stands a meeting place for the Lowden Historical Society and also serves as a repository for items of local historical value.

Members meet quarterly at the refurbished depot to hear presentations of local historical significance on the last Thursday in January, April, July and October at 7pm

President- Barry Hoffmeier
Vice President-Wesley Fox
Secretary/Advertising-Joan Scheer
Treasurer-Chris Scheer
Board Member-Joe Goodlove
Board Member- Eunice Boedeker

Contact Chris or Joan Scheer 563-941-5814

Annual dues are $15 and may be mailed to Chris Scheer, P.O. Box 342, Lowden, IA. 52255