
The Lowden Garden Club

The Lowden Garden Club is made up of a group of highly talented men and women who share a common interest in gardening. They meet monthly and visit area gardens or work on projects to beautify the community of Lowden.

The club's most industrious affair is a bi-annual garden walk that takes place on the even years. Five local gardens are featured and master gardeners come to speak to the guests who come from Iowa and Illinois. Lunch is served and craft shows featuring garden ornaments offer the area gardeners a full day in the garden.

The club has also invested time, talent and money into community projects that beautify the community. They spear-headed a concrete walking path and two new and unusual bridges at the park. They have planted both shade and sunny gardens throughout the town and are responsible for flower pots on Main Street. They also completed a "Grant Wood" style mural in City Hall and seem to leave their creative mark on every community event.

Each member shares an interest in gardening and through the club find resources to beautify their own properties which in turn sets the town of Lowden apart from many other small rural communities. One project the club has is a specimen bed which displays ornanamental shrubbery and trees that are indigenous to the area. Just take a walk through town and you will appreciate the beauty that The Lowden Garden Club brings to life in a small town.


President: Barb McCreight (563) 941-5829
Secretary: Phyllis Fitzgerald (563) 941-7779